Principal Message

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“Education is What Remains After One Has Forgotten Everything He Has Learn in School Albert Einstein “

We, at Holy Himalayan Sr. Sec. School. Chamba, endeavor to provide sufficient opportunities to each student to understand and discover themselves and to face and overcome challenges presented to them to make school life fulfilling and complete. We take pride in helping them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible well – rounded personalizes of the next generation.

 Our life is a journey. We learned experience something new every day. We not only impart in depth knowledge of a particular subject but at the same time also ensure com and constant growth of the students. Problems exist in every one’s life but we frequently remind the student not be afraid of failure but strive and hard to achieve success for excellence and good leadership. It is possible when we build up good leadership. It is possible when we build up good attitude and conduct. We also learn to become disciplined to see things in proper perspective there are ups and downs in life and we need to accept the challenges and win at all costs physical work and games enable the students

Consequently, our struggles will Vanish within no time and our achievement will be remembered.

Teamwork is the hall mark of Holy Himalayan Sr. Sec.School Chamba. I appreciate the efforts put in by our wonderful team of students, teachers and the unstinting support of the management for making this a truly successful school for all of us. In this pursuit of excellence, I appreciate our pursuit fraternity for supporting the school in very aspect. Looking forward to another rewording year as our student journey towards making and taking their places in the world I hope and pray students of our school will scale great heights and deep the holy Himalayan flying high wherever they tread.

Mrs. Benu Chadha


Holy Himalayan  

Sr. Sec.School Chamba.